Seafood Partner R&A Oyster

Studio10’s Joe Emer joins David Dekle at Original Oyster House on the Causeway to learn more about oysters from Rodney Fox of R&A Oyster.

David Dekle and a seafood partner Rodney Fox of R&A Oyster shares HPP of oysters.

Benefits of High Pressure Processing

  • HPP or non-thermal pasteurization uses pure cold water and up to 87,000 PSI to inactivate pathogens, and dramatically extend shelf life of seafood with no chemicals, heat or additives.
  • 100% of the meat detaches from an oyster shell, which produces 125% more yield than a shucked oyster.
  • This means no shucking is required since the shell will pop open easily after HPP and the oyster abducter muscle completely releases from the shell.
  • Increases productivity, lowers labor costs and eliminates food-born pathogens including vibrio.

R&A Oyster